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Coronavirus control efforts from Jianlong

Published:2020年-02月-05日 13:26:54 【close】 【Back to list】 Fonts:big fit Small

As for the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, the high incidence area in China is concentrated in wuhan, hubei province. The government has been actively taking various measures to deal with and prevent the outbreak. The current outbreak has little impact on other areas and it is under control.


Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is located in the most northern place of China, about 1450km away from wuhan, where the epidemic is concentrated. Plateaus is the main landform in Inner Mongolia , elevation is more than 1,000 meters, it has sparsely populated area, fresh air and good natural conditions, which are bad for the development and spread of the epidemic. Jianlong factory is located inTogtoh power industrial park, Toketo county, Hohhot city. Togtoh power industrial park is an independent industrial park, 100km away from the urban area of  Hohhot city, 40km away from the Toketo county, far away from the densely populated area, and can meet the safety production requirements of biological products.


The outbreak has not spread to our area and Jianlong company, but in order to control the epidemic spread, we still took some effective prevention and control measures, to protect the normal operation of company and keep staff's life safe, prevention and control work plan is as follows.


I. A special epidemic control working group shall be set up, the company legal person as the group leader and the company department manager as the team member.


II. The company has taken detailed epidemic prevention measures as follows,

1. All employees of the company shall completely stop or cancel all kinds of public gathering activities.


2. During the working period, limit or minimize the flow of personnel, sterilize the workshop and the working place. 


3. Increase the frequency for ventilation and restaurant disinfection;

Go to restaurant separately,

All restaurant employees are required to bring their own cutlery;

Purchasing food from epidemic areas is strictly prohibited.


4. All the staff must wear masks.

The guard should took the temperature of everyone coming in and out.

Outsiders are strictly forbidden to visit the factory.


5. Every department also need to take temperature for staff and record .

Anything abnormal, must go to the hospital in time and report to the person in charge.


6. All employees who have left Hohhot, should wait on notification for returning.


7. All staff returning from other places (outside the Hohhot city ) shall be isolated at home and observed for 14 days.


8. All managers should keep mobile phones open on 24 hours.


The impact of this outbreak on the Chinese economy is temporary , our country is fully capable and confident of winning the fight against the outbreak and confident of minimizing its impact on the economy. This epidemic disease will eventually be eliminated!

Our company will also take it seriously, after the strict implementation of the above control measures, the epidemic will never happen in our company, please be assured that Jianlong can continue to provide all customers with quality and safe products and services!




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