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In fact, xanthan gum and glue are not the same

Published:2015年-01月-19日 20:45:47 【close】 【Back to list】 Fonts:big fit Small

Recently, microblogging and micro-channel circle of friends, there is a saying, "some congee porridge shop and a snack bar is very sticky, not boil out of the effect, but the use of xanthan gum as a thickener in a drink outside bowl, equal to drink glue. "it makes a lot of love porridge NPC turnoff.

Around us porridge shop and a snack bar is in use thickeners it? After eating thickeners have no effect on the human body? Yesterday, the reporter had visited this situation.

Congee shop: no need to add not used

Been congee shop most people have the same feeling, "his home proudly porridge, never seemed thick porridge shop."

Pumpkin, millet, corn, sticky substance of this genus, after cooking, especially dense nature. However, a bowl of plain rice porridge, rice and rice are also "combined."

Yesterday, the reporter Changchun three porridge shop were visited. For thickeners, Guilin Road shopping district a porridge shop manager said, "heard."

"Our porridge, are now brewed that day, without any food additive, simmering, proudly bucket of thick porridge, to a half-hour." The manager said.

Road workers and peasants, a porridge shop owner said that indeed heard of thickener. "Throwing a shop should know. Is a food additive, in fact, absolutely no need to add, boil some more time, a sticky porridge naturally. Plus porridge thickener is to shorten the time for porridge looks to sell a good friend However, this will destroy the nutritional porridge. "he said.

Peony Street near the porridge shop, the manager said, "heard a thickener, but never used. There are provisions porridge is not additive."

Seasoning line: now basically do not sell

Subsequently, the reporter went to the porridge shop owner identity Guilin Road several condiment line, looking thickener. "There is not added to the porridge, allowing more thick porridge?" After listening to a female shop owner found out bags of baking soda. For thickeners, she shook her head said do not know.

In another line of spices, there are several customers in the purchase of a dry tone. After listening to the reporter what he wanted, the owner of the male reporter aside and said, "I can help you ask," he said, before sold. Then he dialed a phone call saying there was no reply.

"Why not sell it?" The reporter asked. He said, "many people buy on the market now basically can not sell a .1 grams with 2 pounds of porridge, before you buy there are individuals also have porridge shop, the amount of bad master."

"What's the problem?" Reporters asked. Then the man said, "which is a food additive, although no harm to the human body, but if the porridge shop thickener is to put less rice, shoddy suspect that there may be."

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